Perspex® Impressions Linear adds a completely new aspect to the world renowned Perspex® Brand.
It is a sophisticated new pattern which enhances the stylish appearance and superb performance of Perspex® acrylic by adding an element of both design and texture
To the surface of the sheet.
Inspired ny the emerging trend for greater depth and textures in materials, Perspex® Impressions Linear was specifically created to appeal to designers, architects,
Brands, retailers & shop fitters who are seeking a material with the potential to create a truly unique look and feel.
- 9 classic colours
- Excellent UV and weather resistance
- Suitable for fabrication and thermoforming
- Pattern cannot be rubbed or scratched off.
- Durability and colour consistency
- Unique Gloss finish ONE side & Pattern finish on the other
- Carries the Perspex® 10 year External / Internal guarantee
- Up to 17 times the impact resistance of glass
- Depth & Texture in materials
- Suitable for indoor & outdoor applications.
100% recyclable
- Room Partitions
- Point of Sale Displays
- Interior design
Great Resilience and resistance to wear.
- All colours in ..3mm & 5mm Thick
Sheet Size:
- 3050 X 2030mm
- 1525 X 2030mm
- 3050 X 1015mm